Create your own scent mood and mini moments with this super giftable, limited-edition KAYALI
Miniature Set! The set features 4 of Mona’s fav fragrances – Vanilla | 28, Eden Juicy Apple | 01, Déjà
Vu White Flower | 57 and Invite Only Amber | 23 - all in our 10ml Deluxe Miniature sizes. Wear them
alone or pair them together for your own signature scent combination.
Scent Profiles
The set contains:
- 1 x 10ml Vanilla | 28 Eau de Parfum.
- 1 x 10ml Eden Juicy Apple Eau de Parfum.
- 1 X 10ml Déjà Vu White Flower | 57 Eau de Parfum.
- 1 x 10ml Invite Only Amber | 23 Eau de Parfum Intense.